The fastest-growing video and integration solution in operating rooms worldwide.

Synergy 4K Fully Integrated OR

Surgeons working in the operating room

Experience the value of interconnectivity, high-quality 4K image clarity, and dynamic patient-engagement applications to improve quality of care. Synergy’s OR technology is trusted and proven, driving efficiency, controlling costs, and improving the patient experience.

The Synergy product portfolio is a comprehensive set of interconnected surgical tools and technology for the operating room. Our award-winning imaging systems are comprised of 4K cameras and monitors as well as video and data integration. The integrated surgical devices include soft-tissue and bone resection, fluid management, and insufflation.

“This is a surgical hospital. We do 900 cases a month, bringing patients in and out of our ORs. This technology is really going to take us to the next level.”

Julie Diodene, RN

Physicians are paid consultants of Arthrex, Inc.

Synergy Around the Globe

Users worldwide have discovered the value and interconnectivity Synergy delivers to surgeons, administrators, surgical staff, and IT professionals.


“As a surgeon, there's really no setup involved. I show up in the operating room. Everything is already set for me.”

Troy S. Watson, MD

Physicians are paid consultants of Arthrex, Inc.

We understand your challenges.

Surgeon in the operating room


The Synergy OR has equipment and software to improve the surgical experience for you and your patients.

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Smiling hospital administrator


The Synergy OR can increase operational efficiency for a better patient experience.

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Man using a tablet device

IT Professionals

The Synergy OR has a rich set of solutions to incorporate into your facility.

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Smiling nurse in the OR

Surgical Staff

The Synergy OR allows you to set up and run the equipment at peak performance.

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