Protecting Our Planet
Arthrex is mindful of the effect our corporate activity has on the Earth, and we are committed to doing business in an environmentally friendly manner.
Arthrex is mindful of the effect our corporate activity has on the Earth, and we are committed to doing business in an environmentally friendly manner.
Arthrex takes social responsibility seriously. We strive to maintain customer satisfaction with products worthy of the Waste Reduction Awards Program (WRAP) in Collier County, FL, developed in an environmentally sustainable way in a workplace that supports these goals. We promote the reduction of our environmental impact during all product development stages, product sales, and corporate facilities.
As part of the Arthrex Green Policy, we are dedicated to:
Because Arthrex is aware of the global impact of our business, we are inspired to act in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.
The “SpeedBridge,” a thoroughfare at our global headquarters in Naples, Florida, provides food, water, cover, and nurturing spaces for local fauna. Constructed over an existing waterway, this flourishing area was formally recognized by the Everglades Foundation as a Certified Wildlife Habitat.
In Munich, Germany, our office has a long-running environmental management system that incorporates geothermal energy and groundwater cooling, and our landscaping features flower meadows and fruit trees that provide habitat for our company-owned bee colonies.
Our environmental awareness is further reflected in everyday working life—waste separation in kitchenettes, bicycles for on-campus transport, our fleet of electric cars, and office supplies made of recycled materials are just a few examples.
Even when developing our medical devices, we aim to achieve the longest possible service life. Our devices are designed with easily replaceable parts, and we also offer our customers a repair service to conserve resources.
"Being aware of the global impacts that our business activities have on the environment inspires us to act in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner, which is something that we are strongly committed to."
Physicians are paid consultants of Arthrex, Inc.
As we work to fulfill our mission of Helping Surgeons Treat Their Patients Better®, Arthrex constantly strives to reduce our carbon footprint by saving water and energy. We remain committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. In fact, an employee-led Green Team meets regularly to discuss sustainable efforts.
Arthrex has been recognized by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for its outstanding recycling efforts. The Collier County Solid & Hazardous Waste Department’s WRAP recognized Arthrex for its innovative recycling programs.
All patient/case details in demo screenshots are fictitious. Patient images, videos, and/or testimonials used with written authorization of the patient or their legal guardian. Physicians are paid consultants of Arthrex, Inc. Products may not be available in all markets outside of the United States because product availability is subject to the regulatory approvals and medical practices in individual markets. Please contact Arthrex if you have questions about the availability of products in your area.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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